Friday, December 3, 2010

Warming of the World

There is a strange theory going about stating that the Earth's sudden warmer temperatures is creating a complete chaos of the Earth's weather system.  Our world has experienced its share of freaky weather such as crazy hail storms, wild fires, floods as well as unnatural weather systems.  Much has been said about the increase in the Earth's overall weather system.  We are experiencing hotter summers and colder winters. Could these theories acutally mean the end of the world in 2012? Or are these theories myths to create a situation in where Earth's citizens are enticed to go "green".  I personally believe it is a mixture of both.  The warming of the Earth may have caused some of these freaky weather situations but I believe a political skew has been added to create a sense of urgency to force individuals to go "green".  This process of going "green" helps a nations economy become richer.  Meaning it allows for individuals to buy more expensive but more cost effective and greener products.  The purchasing of these products allows for nations to grow richer since money is going back into the economy. Although, I have noticed much stranger weather on my days of leaving on this Earth, I must certainly believe that politicians such as Al Gore is blowing the warming of the Earth a little more than what it actually is.  The urgency placed on this situation, I believe, comes at a great time because it gives individuals the sense of knowing the importance of making the world a safer place for our children and grand kids.  I do not like the way politicians are bringing about the rising situation of the Earth's warming. There are other ways of letting the public know instead of creating a chaotic situation amongst our population. How do you feel about this topic?

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